We Will Fight To Protect Your Legal Rights Under The Law

More than legal advice

PK Dhaka

Wing Commander Pushpendra Dhaka, Air Veteran

Pushpendra Kumar DhakaAn Ex Wing Commander and former Law officer of the Indian Air Force. Completed Law Degree at University campus Panjab University Chandigarh in 2004. Obtained LLM degrees from Kurukshetra University. He Has more than 16 years of legal experience as Air Force law officer and as an Advocate.  He is a member of the New Delhi Bar Association having regular  apprecne in the Supreme Court of India, Delhi High Court, District and Sessions Court of Delhi, and various Tribunals like AFT and CAT. The principal area of practice is Writ Petition, Service and Civil laws including Corporate and Arbitration litigations.


“The Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a Court room, Justice is what comes out of a Courtroom”